Cookies Policy

At Click&Rent, S.L., we use cookies to provide a better service and enhance your browsing experience. We want to inform you clearly and precisely about the cookies we use, detailing what a cookie is, its purpose, the types of cookies we use, their purpose, and how you can configure or disable them if you wish.

What is a cookie and what is its purpose?

A 'Cookie' is a small file stored on the user's computer, tablet, smartphone, or any other device containing information about browsing. The set of 'cookies' from all our users helps us improve the quality of our website, allowing us to determine which pages are useful, which are not, and which can be improved. Cookies are essential for the functioning of the internet, providing numerous advantages in the provision of interactive services and facilitating your navigation and usability of our website. Cookies cannot harm your computer. On the contrary, active cookies help us identify and resolve errors.

Why are cookies important?

Cookies are useful for several reasons. From a technical perspective, they allow web pages to function more smoothly and be tailored to your preferences, such as storing your language or country currency. They also help website owners improve the services they provide by gathering statistical information through them. Finally, cookies make the advertising we show you more efficient, allowing us to offer services for free.

What types of cookies do we use?

First-party cookies

These are cookies sent to your device from our own devices or domains, from which we provide the service you request.

Third-party cookies

These are cookies sent to your device from a device or domain that is not managed by us, but by another collaborating entity. For example, those used by social networks or external content such as Google Maps.

Session cookies

These are temporary cookies that remain in your browser's cookie file until you leave the website, so none are recorded on your computer's hard drive. The information obtained through these cookies helps analyze web traffic patterns. In the long run, this allows us to provide a better experience, improve content, and facilitate its use.

Analytics cookies

These cookies allow us to quantify the number of users and perform statistical measurement and analysis of the usage of the provided services. By analyzing your navigation on our website, we aim to improve the range of products and services we offer.

Performance improvement cookies

This type of cookies keeps your preferences for certain tools or services, so you don't have to reconfigure them each time you visit our portal. In some cases, these cookies may be provided by third parties. Examples include volume settings for audio/video players, article sorting preferences, or compatible video playback speeds. In the case of e-commerce, they enable the storage of information about your shopping cart.

Login cookies

When you register on our portal, cookies are generated to identify you as a registered user and indicate when you have logged into the portal. These cookies are used to identify your user account and associated services. They remain active until you log out of your account, close the browser, or turn off the device. These cookies can be used in combination with analytical data to individually identify your preferences on our portal.

Advertising cookies

These cookies, either processed by us or third parties, allow for effective management of the advertising spaces on our website, adapting the ad content to the requested service or your browsing profile. They enable us to know your browsing habits on the internet and show you advertising related to your browsing profile.

Purpose of each cookie used


A strictly necessary cookie used and created by ourselves.

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Google Analytics cookies. They generate an anonymous user ID, which is used to count how many times a user visits the site. They also record the first and last time the user visited the website. They calculate when a session has ended, the user's origin, and keywords.

How can you configure or disable your cookies?

You can allow, block, or delete the cookies installed on your device by configuring the options of your internet browser. If you do not allow the installation of cookies on your browser, you may not be able to access some of the services, and your experience on our website may be less satisfactory. The following links provide you with all the information to configure or disable cookies on each browser:


Clickrent is a rent a car  rental company with the largest fleet in the Balearic Islands, and is rapidly expanding throughout Spain. It merges the traditional values of a family business with the modern management of an international company.
